WITH, in case that is too obscure. MacIntyre wrote After Virtue.
Jethani's Stances:
Jethani has five different stances we might take up toward God, which I briefly characterize here, with notes following them.
An attitude of control—If I…then God will…(positive: If I
get it right, then God will reward me).
The goods are external to God.
An attitude of hopeless striving—The inverse of the above:
If I…then God will…(negative: If I don’t get it right, then God will punish me).
Here, the bads are external to God, and the goods are not
considered worth it, or are ignored.
An attitude of activity, doing, production.
One is producing goods, again, external to God.
An attitude of easy reception from God.
Again: reception of goods external to God.
An attitude of being with God, whatever that means.
Here, the good is considered to be God, i.e., the good which
one is after is one internal to one’s relationship with God, not one which one’s
relationship is a means to.
The Difference:
the stances Jethani is urging us to
avoid are all stances which take one’s relation to God as a means to an end, or
otherwise separable from the goods one is after. WITH, the stance Jethani wants
us to take up towards God, is different in that it takes the goods of life to
be ones which are internal to being with God, and not available apart from
being with God. The other stances are taken as contingent: they are means to a
good. This stance is bound up with the good—it is essential to the good that it
be obtained in this way, and can only be obtained as a part of taking this
This suggests that being with God
is a kind of practice, a way of life. The question, then, is what kind of life
it is. How does one be with God? What is a life with God? We might use
alternate phrasings to try to shed some light on it. It is being in the
presence of God (Brother Lawrence). It is standing before him as beloved. This
is all very well, but none of these quite yet show what kind of life it is.
They all seem to be static, they do not seem to have the dynamic quality of
life. God is with you—live like it. But how is this developed? Is it a life
fearing what God will do, or trying to please God? No: those make God the
source of goods and bads. God is with you, and is staying with you whatever you
do—live like it. He can stay and punish, he can stay and bless. The difficulty
is in showing what makes God himself the good. What is so great about God?
I am suggesting taking a MacIntyrean
approach to Christianity as a practice, where the practice is “being with God”, or "being a Christian"
and the good internal to the practice is God. MacIntyre suggests that a living practice is one where there is argument about what the goods internal to the practice are. Thus, on MacIntyre’s account,
what makes for a living Church is argument about what makes God so great, and, I suspect as a part of that, who/what God is.
Beyond the Stances
The other stances may, then, be enveloped,
to some extent, in the final stance. The stances must change, of course, in
that the sought good must no longer be external to God.
This becomes appealing to God for God, in some way or
another. It may take the form of lament, of “where are you, God?” Or of other
kinds of intercession. The difference between OVER* and OVER is that in OVER*
the good being sought from God is God, whereas in OVER it is something external
to God. Further, God must be presumed good, So any time we seek things by God
we must presume that he has the best in mind, and trust him to be good. A “your
will be done” caveat is thus added.
This becomes seeking to do right by God. It is the desire to
remain near to God. It loses its often legalistic character because of the
trust that God is a loving God. The legalism is further hindered by the
recognition that God is a living God who seeks us, and will not leave us on our
own. The greatest we can fear from God is still less than is outweighed by God’s
abiding with us. We are not afraid that God will leave us, since he has promised
not to, and he is good.
This changes from doing good works for God to doing good
works of God. The good works are a participation in God’s life, a
representation of the life of Christ. The good of the good works, then, is the
good we ourselves seek in being with God.
The change in this one is most obvious: what we want from
God is God, and anything else we receive from him is good only because it is
from him and is a reminder, or symbol, to us of him.